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What's going on now?

With the election just past, a Labour landslide with Reform at their heels and a population feeling they'll just have to see what happens, I've looked at the planets and what they are saying.

With a new moon in Cancer at the time of writing that seems oblivious to the political landscape, I am looking at the wider picture, and starting at the outer reaches of the solar system with Pluto, demoted to a planetoid by the astronomers, but kept on as a planet by us astrologers.

I have always found Pluto a tricky one. It gets alot of plug as the planet of power and transformation, yet in my own chart I've always found it's effect a little underwhelming. So it made sense when Joanna Wickenburg wrote that Pluto is so far out that it's effects are rarely consciously felt and it's impact happens at a subconscious level. At present Pluto and Neptune are in a sextile (since 1947 until 2034) which means they are 60 degrees apart. Their energies can work well together with a little effort. For the last 14 years (roughly) we have had Pluto in Capricorn with Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is another planet whose effects have felt somewhat nebulous. That makes more sense, as Neptune is the planet of dreams and ideals which are often ill defined and don't always manifest. Taken together I am wondering if they represent the collective unconscious the Carl Jung talks about as so many of us will have them in the same sign and aspect in our charts, almost as a backdrop to everything else. It is a point of commonality in all our charts, something that is shared.

At present Pluto is moving from Capricorn into Aquarius which represents a power shift from figures of authority to the people. One of things I like about astrology is that we can always look back over history and see what was happening last time the planets were like that.

Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1771- 1798. That was also a time of social upheaval. the French revolution and American wars of indepence occured under this transit. But Pluto is a long way out so how similar are other planets' positions today, to what they were back then? One planet(oid) miles aways is hardly likely to effect revolutions all by itself.

Neptune is different, by almost 180 degrees. Back in the 1770s Neptune and Pluto were in a trine (120 degrees apart) so in the same element. Their energies worked well together. As Pluto was moving into Aquarius and power was moving to the people, Neptune was moving into Libra from Virgo. The ideals and dreams were for equality and justice, which are Libran traits, rather than the servitude of Virgo. Not that those dreams were realised as inequality persists to this day. In 2025 Neptune will move from Pisces into Aries, the sign of the self. So this time it is personal ideals and dreams and pioneering individuals. In 1771 the dreams were for a more balanced society, now they are for a new start, but with Aries the focus is far more on the individual than the other.

The next planet in is Uranus. Now this is a planet I watch. It's effects have been tangible and life changing in my chart. Discoved in 1781, while Pluto was in Aquarius, it has been considered the planet of rebellion and independence. In my own experience this is the planet that brings the changes that can be consciously experienced. It is the first planet that cannot be seen by the naked eye, and I think of it as the bridge between the unconscious and that which we can see and know.

Ok, it gets interesting here. In 1771, Uranus was in Gemini, and next year it enters Gemini. Gemini represents our thoughts and ideas that occur on a conscious level, and our communication. So when Uranus enters Gemini this will be subject to change. New ideas are likely to come in, just as they did in 1771. What these ideas will be remains to be seen. In the 1770s the idea that the establishment could be deposed by the people was one of the new ideas of the time. With Neptune in Libra at that time I think the ideal was to seek justice and fairness. This time Neptune is in the opposite sign so it's harder to be sure of this motivation. Could there be individuals that we idealise this time round?

These far out planets provide the back drop if you like. The next two planets in are Jupiter and Saturn classed as the social planets, and also the teachers of the zodiac. Saturn is currently in Pisces, giving our dreams a bit of a reality check. It enters Aries and forms a conjunction with Neptune in June 2025, as Uranus is entering Gemini. If Neptune is the planets of ideals and illusions, Saturn is the reality checker so it will be interesting to see what happens when those too pass each other. What is grounded in reality and what is not real?

Jupiter is currently in Gemini so eveyone is talking, ideas abound. There may be an overfocus on data and details, without being able to construct the bigger picture at present. How does it all fit together? By the time Uranus enters Gemini, Jupiter will have moved into Cancer, which is much more about emotions and roots. The two planets won't meet for some time so will be operating separately.

The inner planets are classed as the personal planets, and because they move quickly their effects are much more transient when it comes to events.

The new moon today is in Cancer conjunct Venus and in a trine with Saturn in Pisces and sextile with Mars in Taurus, which is a very feminine and gentle arrangement with the focus on intuition, emotions and our homes and roots. A far cry from the outside words. It's almost as if on a personal level we just need to go within right now, or at least for this lunar cycle.

Mars transits Uranus, still in Taurus, in a couple of weeks time so there may be some instability, but the transit only lasts a few days so I think the bigger changes and upheavals are more likely to come into play next year.

As many are saying we'll need to wait and see.

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