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Spring is coming

Last weekend we were on a little break in Stratford, and in the market there was a Wiccan stall, and among many things there was the Wheel of the Year. In astrological terms we consider the Spring equinox (20th March this year) as the first day of Spring, but for the witches this is the second Spring festival, the first being Imbolc on the 1-2nd February.

Whenever we consider the start of Spring to be, it got me thinking about the fact that winter is nearing its end. The days are getting longer, the snowdrops and crocuses are out, and we even saw some lambs. One or two trees are also budding. Beautiful signs that Spring is on the way.

Maybe these 6 weeks (give or take a few days) between Imbolc and the Spring equinox (Ostara) are a period of transition when we can prepare to come out of hibernation. While winter is a yin part of the year, where we can take time on the darker nights to go within, and conserve our energy, after the equinox when the days will be longer than the nights the energy becomes yang and outward looking.

Astrologically the Sun is now in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac and the last winter sign. Being a mutable sign it is about transition and going beyond. At the time of writing there is a full Moon in Virgo so there might be an instinctive urge to get things organised, but the Piscean Sun reminds us to do this with compassion and love.

Gently come into Spring with compassion and love. Be prepared for Spring and to change the energy from inward looking to outward. As the days get longer plans can be put into action, the dreams of Pisces can get a surge of energy as the Sun moves into Aries after the equinox and the energy becomes more go getting and pioneering.

Enjoy those last few weeks of the winter half of the year and be ready for Spring and new beginnings.

Namaste 💜

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