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Samhain and welcome to winter


Samhain, observed from sunset on the 31st October to sunset on 1st November, marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. This was something I learnt earlier this year on a witches’ stall in Stratford, where they had a wiccan calendar. The demarcation of the seasons is slightly different to the meteorological and astrological one, but they make sense. As October progresses the trees are definitely changing now, and the dark mornings here, and light evenings gone.


Part of my own healing journey has been to work more with nature. Of course modern living throws up it’s challenges and I’m not on a permanent retreat where I can just commune with nature all day, but there still are points of choice where I can work to the conditions. The natural tendency when it’s cold and dark is to want to hibernate until Spring, but I’m the wrong species for this, so it is navigating winter and adapting to it.


Thinking about nature and the natural cycle, winter begins with a period of shedding. We have harvested what we sowed this year, and now it is time to shed that which we do not need, and do not wish to take into another cycle. So the first part of winter can be considering what we would like to let go of, and what we would like to keep, or need to keep. This can happen on all levels, material, emotional and spiritual. On the material level, with the cost of living crisis, maybe what we no longer want or need could be of value to some-one else. There was a lovely Facebook post asking parents to donate unwanted toys before Christmas rather than afterwards, so that less well-off families could buy them ready for their children at Christmas.


Once the trees are bare, the period of rest and retreat comes in. I know the weather can sometimes be anything other than calm with winter storms, and sometimes it does feel like we’re having to ride it out and hope there isn’t too much damage or manage it if there is.

But when it is calm there can be some beautifully still days. Winter is a more yin part of the year, which is introspective and reflective. When it is colder and darker, I am now allowing myself to do less, within reason of course. When energy levels are naturally lower it makes sense to eat more energy dense foods, and where possible to allow rest.

In terms of exercise I am focussing more on yoga and strength, and also meditation, as means of keeping myself mentally and physically in shape. When the nights are dark we can go within, and use it as a time for healing any wounds.

When there is less light, there is more of a need to make the most of what there is, so it will be a discipline to go out for a walk each lunchtime to get some fresh air, and sunshine when it’s there.


Those who have followed my blog know I love a bit of astrology. For us astrologers winter starts at the solstice, which does seem a long way through, and although it pains me to say it, I’m going with the pagans that it starts at Samhain. But even in astrological terms we are into later autumn as the sun is moving through Scorpio, a sign associated with releasing and letting go.  So whatever calendar we follow, just now it is a releasing of what we no longer need time. In late November the sun will move into Sagittarius, and while Sagittarius is the adventurer of the zodiac, the completeness of the journey also involves the journey within. I associate Sagittarius with the Hermit tarot card, both are number 9. And the Hermit is walking alone to find his own truth. And once we have released what we no longer need there is space for us to consider what our truth is. Where are we going? What do we believe? To answer these questions, we need to go within, and spend some time alone.

Sagittarius ends at winter solstice when the sun moves into Capricorn, an earth sign. And seeds get planted in the earth. All seeds start in the darkness before they germinate. We can plant, in our minds, the seeds for what we would like to achieve in the next solar cycle.


Happy Samhain





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