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Equinoxes and eclipses

As autumn equinox approaches on 22nd September at 1.43pm (GMT) this year for the northern hemisphere, so does eclipse season. Equinoxes are points of transition in the solar calendar and as we go through the autumn equinox the days become shorter than the nights, and we enter into the winter half of the year, or the yin part, which is more introspective and reflective.

There is always an element of letting go with change, and certainly where we are, the weather has become noticeably autumnal and I am saying goodbye to the summer and preparing for the colder darker months. The astrological calendar treats the autumn equinox as the start of autumn, with the sun entering Libra, a cardinal sign. However, for the Wiccans at the equinox we are half way through autumn, for them it began at the start of August with harvest. I think of autumn as a time for taking stock, how have our endeavours this year gone? What are we harvesting? Then we can move into the seeking of balance, what would we like to take forward into the next cycle and what would we like to discard before we go into the depths of winter?


Astrologically the sun has just moved into Libra at the autumn equinox and Libra is ruled by Venus, so to get a sense of the flavour of this equinox I have looked at when Venus is, which is in the late degrees of Libra, so it is at home in it’s own sign (just). When planets are in the very late degrees of a sign their energy is changing. Venus broadly speaking represents our values and also what we require in order to survive (namely material resources and relationships with others) so this equinox this is transitioning from being balanced and objective (Libra is an air sign which has those qualities) to being much more emotional and passionate as Venus enters Scorpio, a water sign, on the 23rd September. This brings a greater intensity to what is really important? What do you feel passionate about? What do you need to discard in order to grow?


The eclipses

Eclipses always come in pairs two weeks apart. We start with a penumbral lunar eclipse in the early hours of the 18th September in the UK. The Earth’s shadow will partially block the sun’s light reaching the moon so there will be a shadow across part of the full moon. Full disclosure, it’s a school night so I won’t be awake to see it. Eclipses have had all sorts attributed to them in folklore, but generally speaking in the astrological community they are considered to be times change, so it is fitting this year that they are occurring around the equinox, when seasons are naturally changing.


Lunar eclipses occur at full moon, and for this one the sun is in Virgo, but nearing the end of Virgo and the moon is in Pisces. Full moon for those of us who follow moon cycles is the point where things have come full circle, and it is a time for reflection and releasing. This lunar cycle started with the moon in Virgo, at new moon on the 3rd September so the focus was on getting organised, practicalities and earthly matters. As the last sign of summer or an autumn sign (depending on whether you go with the astrologers or the Wiccans), there is an element of preparing for the next stage, including assimilating what we have created this year, and preparing for the colder months ahead. There is an element of needing to fix things in Virgo, this can be good, but too much can lead to criticisms of others or oneself. When the cycle reaches full Moon, the need to reflect comes in, as the full moon is always in the opposite sign to the sun. This brings opposing energy in, which presents a challenge. So as Virgo is practical and organised, Pisces is dreamy and nebulous. Where Virgo can be critical, Pisces is compassionate. We always need to find balance, and while we get organised, we also need to remember what our dreams and visions are, and if we are getting critical, bring some compassion in.


The solar eclipse occurs 2 weeks later on the 2nd October at new moon. This will be visible as a bit of a shadow over the sun late afternoon if the sky is clear. Most of it is after sunset so we probably won’t get to see it in the UK. New moons are considered to be the start of a new cycle and this one, being after the equinox, is very much in autumn. The eclipse also gives this more energy and its effects are longer lasting. If the lunar eclipse at full moon is about reflecting and letting go, then this one is about new beginnings and what we would like to bring in. The energy is Libran so this cycle is about finding balance in many ways. Balance between the self and the other, and others can present in many forms- partners, family members, work colleagues and the wider community. Where do my needs end, and my responsibilities to others begin? Or where do my responsibilities towards others end, and my own needs begin? This is good to establish as we enter winter, which is a season to go within, and to restore and regenerate ready for the next cycle.

Venus, the ruler of Libra, is well and truly in Scorpio at this point, so the work of finding this balance could be quite emotionally charged. The Scorpio energy is fiercely loyal towards loved ones, but can be jealous. It can also be fearsome when hurt, so care will be needed to temper this. Where do we invest our time and energy over the next 6 months (which how long eclipse energy is said to last) and what or who do we step back from? 🧡



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