After a week of mini-frustrations in the day job, I got to asking myself why I was letting things get to me, and I got some interesting answers….and another blog took shape. I came across the stoic emperor quote in another blog while asking Dr Google for some assistance with my current mind-set, and it really resonated with me, and it fits with the time of year. The transition into winter, a much more introspective and reflective time of year and the Scorpio season, which is all about releasing and transforming.

So first it makes sense to think very carefully about what we give our precious energy to. Our energy is a precious resource and where we spend it should be considered wisely. What really needs my time, attention and emotion? The first step to have enough energy is not to waste it. Who knew!
Allow yourself to be ignorant of things you have no need to know about. In this age of FOMO (fear of missing out) and social media, it can feel like we need to be part of everything and know what’s going on everywhere. Hello JOMO (joy of missing out) – maybe we don’t. Paring it down to what is of genuine concern could be another great way to conserve that precious energy. Keeping it small, but real. The idea that ignorance could have as much value as interest is new to me, having grown up believing that ignorance is a negative, and being interested a positive. Perhaps allowing ourselves to be ignorant of certain things allows space for genuine and real interest in the things that matter.
And in thinking about those two parts of the quote I already become more peaceful.
Which takes me onto the next bit – embracing the dark.
We all have a shadow side. It is very easy to look at others who seem to be managing better and are just…more. More of whatever I lack. But then I remember the Johare window, which I love as a tool. In a nutshell we all have a public and a private self. Working with the current season, both meteorologically and astrologically, now is a time to work on the private self rather than pouring energy into presenting a certain image publicly. Scorpio governs our inner world and our secret hidden selves so now is a good month to spend some time there. And to remember when it comes to others it is their public faces that we see rather than their own inner turmoil.
And in the private self is all those lower vibe emotions and feelings that we’d rather not have, the fear, the jealousy, the anger and the sadness. But it is true that you cannot heal what you will not feel. So to heal we must be with those emotions in a safe way. Today that was the yoga class I attend, where fortuitously we started with child pose, which is a deeply relaxing and releasing pose. And it came to me what emotional control is. The capacity to be with difficult emotions without being taken over by them. By being with them we can begin to heal and be gentle with ourselves. And remember we cannot give to others anything we are incapable to giving to ourselves. Not really. Emotional control is not about burying difficult emotions either through suppression or repression. That is what leads to numbness and feelings of disassociation or physical illness. Or the volcano when they refuse to be suppressed any longer. It is about finding ways of gently letting it be. A large amount of what we consider to be reality is our perception and what is often presented as fact is merely an opinion. Over this Scorpio month I’ll be focussing on yoga to unite mind and body and find equilibrium. In public we have to behave appropriately for the environment we are in, which requires emotional control, but that is different to pretending that we feel differently to how we do, or are different to what we are.
Yesterday (1st November 2024) was new Moon in Scorpio. So astrologically this is the start of a lunar cycle focussing on Scorpio matters which is to go within and attend to the private self, to be with the shadow and release what we do not need.
